maanantai 23. heinäkuuta 2018

LittlePhotoStory part 7

Beach day and soccer

Cecce talking to Cherry, and Cherry pretending to listen.

Mero: Okay, Imma kick it to you now. Are you ready?

Blossom: I´m ready!

Mero: Okay then *Kicks*

Blossom: I got it I got it!!

Blossom: Its coming back *kicks very poorly*

Blossom: Aah! L-Look out..!

Ball flies on Echi

Echi: Auuttss....

Blossom: Omg I'm so sorry Echi! It was my fault..
*Laughing on the back cround*

Mero: AAAHAHAHHAAHAHAA OMG Right in the gut of
a sleeping man! XD XD XD

Echi: Cant you stop?!
Mero: *laughing hard af? Did she wake you up baby!

Echi: *gets up* Thats it! 

Echi: I will kill you!
Mero. if you can catch me!!


            Blossom: I suck at sports...

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